So funny story. Tonight the hubster and I were out on a spontaneous date/back to school shopping without the kids night.  Yes, I realize it’s the beginning of August BUT I am knocked up  and all so getting ish done before I’m too huge and grumpy to function is of high priority.  AND I like to shop.

I digress… we’re driving along listening to tunes and CHVRCHES (pronounced churches apparently ‘V’s are all the rage) comes on Alt Nation (our favourite station EVER) I’m bopping around and am all “Doesn’t she sound like Cyndi Lauper? I love it, I’m doing my Tuesday Tunes on these guys this week you know.”  I’m all proud of myself because umm hello? Great music AND I already had this planned ahead of time until he’s all “You know it’s Tuesday today right?” and I’m all “SHIT!” Turns out I forgot a long weekend means the first day back to work is TUESDAY! You should also know that approximately 7 minutes later Vampire Weekend came on and I once again panicked and said QUICK WHAT DAY IS IT???? Oh we are totally going to this concert tomorrow. I forgot!” My memory is right now.

My bad.  So after getting some rad clothes for the smalls, including a dress for Danger with skulls, a bow AND pockets (best mom ever) driving the baby sitter home and removing Danger’s thumb from her mouth here I am getting another week of super swell Tuesday Tunes ready for you because I care that you too have good music.

Now that I’ve spoiled the surprise of CHVRCHES you should pretty much just watch/ listen and enjoy because I think Cyndi herself is rocking out somewhere.  Then keep an eye out for their debut record The Bones Of What You Believe coming out September 23rd.  I’m pumped you should be too.


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