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Bunn Fam Jam! | Millarville Family Photographer

These are the Bunns.  They are the opposite of lame.  To be honest I like them a lot.  Not only cause Mama Bunn is known to my family as “Miss Bee” Danger’s preschool teacher but because they are a lot of fun, in their own quirky shy sort of way.  Also because Papa Bunn makes a mean mean cappuccino.  Seriously delicious.

Miss Bee says these images are a once in a life time event for them.  They were a wedding anniversary gift from her hubby,  and the first real family photos they’ve ever had. However, I think she might have “The Photography Bug” now and I think I might see her again in a couple of years when the girls are graduating from high school and they bribe their son to come home from University with money, or laundry service.

Either way I’m pumped they chose me to rock out these amazing images for them and I’ll be back to M-ville for another cappuccino soon!

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1 comment

NatalieMay 2, 2021 - 2:21 pm

The hugging, the girls running in the last frame…amazing!

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